If you want the Hollywood version you’ll have to stick with the film. I would recommend this if you enjoyed the first. Title: Robert Ludlum: The Bourne Trilogy: The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The. Overall a good performance and if you ignore the Hollywood film, which for me was difficult being a big fan of the first three films maybe I’d see things differently. Please note: This is very heavy book(approx 1.6 Kg).A collectable book. Maybe it’s the British English vs the American English that I’m not accounting for. The voices and accents are good but again some incorrect pronunciation and enunciated words soils a little a good performance. Now a subsonic round is something to be afraid of. I’m nit picking but it doesn’t hurt to do some thorough research. The Bourne Supremacy Paperback 1 March 2010 by Robert Ludlum (Author) 1,055 ratings Book 2 of 17: Jason Bourne Kindle 11.99 Read with Our Free App Audiobook 0.00 Free with your Audible trial Hardcover 120.95 2 Used from 10.51 2 New from 43.94 Paperback 16.39 13 New from 16. It can’t a sonic boom is a sonic boom or Concorde would have had a silencer. A “silencer” or suppressor doesn’t stop a supersonic round going “boom” as it leaves the weapon. Use a Royal or a commando but not the two together missing “Marines’. A Royal Commando? A Royal Marines Commando has truth in it’s name. A little more research would have helped grounding the tale in reality to then add the florid account.