The Pearl-shell Diver by Kay Crabbe
The Pearl-shell Diver by Kay Crabbe

The Pearl-shell Diver by Kay Crabbe The Pearl-shell Diver by Kay Crabbe

Soccer Superstar: Tiny Timmy Book One (Tim Cahill, Scholastic).The Bad Guys: Episode 1 (Aaron Blabey, Scholastic).Pickle and Bree: Guide to Good Deeds-The Decorating Disaster Alison Reynolds (Mikki Butterly, Five Mile Press).Numerical Street (Hilary Bell & Antonia Pesenti, NewSouth).Jinny and Cooper: My Teacher’s Big Bad Secret (Tania Ingram, Puffin).Funky Chicken: Chooks in Space (Chris Collin, Funkybooks).Don’t Think about Purple Elephants (Susan Whelan, illus by Gwynneth Jones, Exisle).Bob the Railway Dog (Corinne Fenton, Walker Books).A Patch from Scratch (Megan Forward, Viking).What Noise Comes from a Giraffe (Craig McLean, HarperCollins).The Worm Who Knew Karate (Jill Lever, illus by Terry Denton, Viking).Something Wonderful (Raewyn Calsley, illus by Karen Blair, Viking).Ollie and the Wind (Ronojoy Ghosh, Random House).My Friend Ernest (Emma Allen, illus by Hannah Sommerville, HarperCollins).How the Sun Got to Coco’s House (Bob Graham, Walker Books).How Big is Too Small (Jane Godwin, illus by Andrew Joyner, Viking).Dog and the Lost Leg (Carlee Yardley, Walker Books).Bogtrotter (Margaret Wild, Walker Books).Archie No Ordinary Sloth (Heath McKenzie, Five Mile Press).The Pocket Dogs and the Lost Kitten (Margaret Wild, Scholastic).Once I Heard a Little Wombat (Renee Tremi, Random House).Let’s Go Outside (Bianca Ebeling, My Little Booky Wooky).I’m a Hungry Dinosaur (Janeen Brian, illus by Ann James, Viking).I Need a Hug (Aaron Blabey, Scholastic).Clementine’s Bath (Annie White, New Frontier).The shortlisted titles in each category are: Titles shortlisted for this year’s Speech Pathology Australia Book of the Year Awards have been announced.

The Pearl-shell Diver by Kay Crabbe